Centralized Lesson Plan Database

Posted on Categories Accountability & Data Use, Misc. Lesson Plans & Ideas, Technology Integration

At a Glance

At Clarion County Career Center, a comprehensive database was implemented to organize and store lesson plans and guides for each of the school’s programs of study. The system also tracks students’ task completion.


In 2013-14, administrators and staff at Clarion County Career Center implemented the Guides4Learning database to house the lesson plans and guides for each of the school’s programs of study. As an electronic resource, it allows instructors to easily locate lesson plans they’ve previously uploaded. In addition, instructors may make changes and add reflections to their lessons as desired. Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) may also be uploaded to the system. The scope of sequence for each program of study is available in the database and is utilized as a student task tracker.

Origin / Implementation

Developed with the assistance of consultant Dan Perna, the main objective of this database is to centrally store lesson plans and learning guides and to provide seamless communication between administrators and staff. Using the database, administrators can easily obtain a clear picture of the learning taking place in each program without disrupting the instructor or classroom. The database eliminated the need for instructors to submit daily lesson plans. It is also a tool instructors may utilize to supply evidence for educator effectiveness and evaluations.

Results / Impact

Instructors at Clarion County Career Center are required to develop lesson plans that will result in improved student NOCTI scores. Administrators expect that the database will more easily allow instructors to determine if these lesson plans may be correlated to an increase in NOCTI scores.


Clarion County Career and Technical Center
Aaron Kline, Director
Email: akline@clarioncte.org