Curriculum Plan

Posted on Categories Curriculum Planning, Professional Development

At a Glance

Somerset County Technical Center staff developed a comprehensive curriculum plan that provides new and existing professional staff with examples of curriculum requirements in planning and preparation.


The detailed, 37-page Curriculum Plan for the years 2015-2019 starts from the basics – a definition of curriculum – and moves to include a wealth of information including a lesson plan template, grading plan template, and student employability rubric.

Origin / Implementation

The Curriculum Plan stemmed from information obtained by an administrator who took part in the New Director Academy, part of the Technical Assistance Program, and in compliance with the state’s Act 45 Pennsylvania Inspired Leaders (PIL) program. The plan was written in 2015.

Results / Impact

The Curriculum Plan creates uniformity in curriculum and clarifies curriculum planning and preparation for all teachers, both new teachers, including those from business and industry, as well as more veteran teachers. By aligning the written, taught, and tested curriculum, student achievement improves.


Karen Remick, Administrative Director

Somerset County Technology Center

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