Penn State University: Drive CTE Podcasts

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At a Glance

Drive CTE podcasts explore topics aimed to help instructors, counselors, and administrators improve Career and Technical Education (CTE) in middle, secondary, and post-secondary schools. The recordings feature research and expert practitioners who offer advice, best practices, and lessons learned on different topics each month.


The podcasts were created for CTE instructors, counselors, and administrators and address a wide range of topics focusing on improving CTE. The marketing tagline of Drive CTE encourages the targeted audience to participate as they would listen to the radio on a drive between home and school. Drive CTE intends to provide relevant and timely information about topics that affect teachers and students. The content was developed by a team of CTE Professionals, Teachers, Parents, and Students at the Professional Personnel Development Center at Penn State University.

The podcast’s first season began in the Fall of 2021 and will end in May of 2022. The second season is set to launch in August of 2022! Each podcast required research and the gathering of resources for the podcast audience. The team had to set aside dedicated time to focus on each topic and recording.

Funding was provided by the Penn State University’s Professional Personnel Development Center. The Center provides teacher preparation, online resources, and in-service programs that prepare Pennsylvanians to meet professional standards as career and technical educators. The teams expect Drive CTE to continue and urge everyone to look forward to Season Two. The podcasts can be accessed via Listen to Drive CTE on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.


Data is still being gathered about Drive CTE‘s impact. The team at Penn State is also considering student-created podcasts as an excellent way to allow students to share their expertise and knowledge about a CTE topic.


The Pennsylvania State University
Maria Border, Instructor