Schuylkill Technology Center: CTE Teacher Recruitment Strategies

Posted on Categories Engagement, Recruitment and Retention

At a Glance

Developing effective strategies to recruit and retain teachers is crucial for the sustained success of any educational institution, particularly in specialized fields such as Career and Technical Education (CTE). Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the academic and professional trajectories of students, and their expertise directly impacts the quality of education provided. However, recruiting and retaining qualified teachers, especially in areas like CTE where industry demand competes with teaching positions, can pose significant challenges. The leadership team at Schuylkill Technology Centers have developed recruitment strategies that are yielding positive results.


Investing in the development of targeted recruitment strategies is essential to ensure a steady pipeline of qualified educators who are passionate about their subject matter and committed to preparing students for success in their chosen careers. These strategies not only help address current staffing needs but also contribute to the long-term stability and reputation of educational programs.

In the context of CTE, where specialized skills and industry experience are highly valued, recruiting and retaining teachers with relevant expertise is paramount. By proactively identifying and implementing strategies to attract and retain qualified CTE teachers, educational institutions can ensure that students receive the hands-on training, mentorship, and guidance needed to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving workforce.

This best practice focuses on the key strategies for recruiting and retaining CTE teachers, developed by the leadership team at Schuylkill Technology Center. At a recent BCTE webinar, Director of CTE, Shannon Brennan, and Assistant Director, Chris Groody, share the strategies that are helping recruit CTE teachers.

Cultivate Potential Instructors from Secondary Alumni

  • Provide job placement assistance to secondary graduates and track placements
  • Maintain communication with alumni by inviting them to attend Open House events, Occupational Advisory Committee Meetings, and other school-based celebrations
  • Invite alumni to participate in career fairs, classroom visits, and other speaking engagements
  • Enlist alumni to become NOCTI Proctors, which provides opportunities for them to engage with students
  • Encourage current instructors to maintain social media connections with their former students who may be considered as future employees
  • Have the Cooperative Education Coordinator(s) connect with students  post-graduation

Adult Education Programs

  • Offer in-house Adult Education Programs of Study or Corporate Training Programs to maintain open relationships with a pool of skilled professionals
  • Maintain close ties with other post-secondary institutions by offering a reciprocal relationship for service on advisory boards as a means of networking for instructors
  • Host College and Job Fairs

Community Events

  • Attend or host Chamber of Commerce events
  • Participate in Manufacturers Association events
  • Volunteer at Non-profit Organization events
  • Conduct speaking presentations
  • Volunteer time when possible


In summary, effective strategies for recruiting CTE teachers have a positive impact on the quality of education, student engagement and achievement, program reputation and enrollment, workforce development, retention of skilled workers in education, innovation and adaptability, and diversity and inclusion. By prioritizing the recruitment of qualified and passionate educators, educational institutions can create vibrant learning communities that empower students to achieve their full potential and thrive in the 21st-century economy.



Shannon Brennan, Assistant Executive Director/Director of CTE

Chris Groody, Assistant Director of CTE