This guidebook provides CTC directors and district superintendents with information and specific examples about how CTCs and their sending districts throughout Pennsylvania are working towards calendar alignment. The guide describes three different approaches to developing aligned calendars and identifies key factors to be considered during the alignment process. This guide is intended to be a … Continue reading Creating Aligned Calendars: A Guide for Career and Technical Centers and Sending Districts
Author: webadmin
Coaches to the Rescue: Nuts for NOCTI and PA Standards
Posted on Categories NOCTI PrepThe intent of this activity was to develop a school-wide initiative to improve NOCTI scores while aligning PA Common Core Standards into daily instructional processes. Beginning in 2012, the instructional coaches on staff at Monroe Career & Technical Institute worked individually and in small groups with CTE instructors several times a year to provide professional … Continue reading Coaches to the Rescue: Nuts for NOCTI and PA Standards
Senior Graduation Project and Expo
Posted on Categories Employability Skills, Student EngagementNorth Montco Technical Career Center (NMTCC) requires all students to complete a senior graduation project based on their technical concentration. The senior graduation project allows the student to demonstrate problem-solving skills, research skills, and independent work. The project also provides the opportunity for students to see multiple viewpoints, weigh conflict, and support views with credible … Continue reading Senior Graduation Project and Expo