Promising Practice Tri-County

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Career Information and Exploration, College and Career Pathways, Employability Skills, Preparing for Non-Traditional Fields, Work-based learning

Tri-County Business-Education Partnership Mini-Grant Program AT A GLANCE Facilitated by the Tri-County Workforce Development Board and offered to schools and organizations in Pennsylvania’s Armstrong, Butler, and Indiana counties, the mini-grant Program promoted and expanded career awareness activities for students in grades nine through 12. RESULTS / IMPACT Multiple programs funded by the mini-grants impacted several … Continue reading Promising Practice Tri-County

Promising Practice Northern Tier

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Career Information and Exploration, College and Career Pathways, Employability Skills

Northern Tier Business Education Partnership AT A GLANCE As a result of a Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry Business Education Grant, the Northern Tier Region Workforce Development Board hired three part-time career counselors to expand career education with students in the region’s high schools and career and technical centers. ORIGIN/IMPLEMENTATION The Northern Tier Workforce … Continue reading Promising Practice Northern Tier

Promising Practice Luzerne Schuylkill

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Career Information and Exploration, College and Career Pathways, Employability Skills, Work-based learning

Business and Education Working Together in Luzerne and Schuylkill Counties AT A GLANCE Through a Business Education Partnership Grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, the Luzerne Schuylkill Workforce Investment Board, Inc. partially or fully funded numerous career awareness initiatives that impacted high school students throughout the region. RESULTS / IMPACT Many partners … Continue reading Promising Practice Luzerne Schuylkill

Collins Writing Overview for CTE Teachers

Posted on Categories Academic/Technical Skill Integration, Misc. Lesson Plans & Ideas, New Teacher Induction, Professional Development, Student Engagement, Video & Webinars

On behalf of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Career and Technical Education, NC3T oversees several initiatives including the facilitation of the Technical Assistance Program’s CTE Instructional Coaches’ Group. Participation in this group is open to educators who work with CTE teachers in PA to increase student achievement through improving instructional practices and delivery. … Continue reading Collins Writing Overview for CTE Teachers

Career Street

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Career Information and Exploration, College and Career Pathways, Video & Webinars

On behalf of the PA Department of Education’s Bureau of Career and Technical Education, NC3T facilitates the Pennsylvania Pathways Innovation Network. Membership in the PA-PIN is open to educators and other stakeholders who are working to expand or develop career awareness and pathways that help prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s careers. Toward this mission, NC3T … Continue reading Career Street

Welding Program Industry Partnership

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Career Information and Exploration, College and Career Pathways

At a Glance Instructors in the welding program at Jeff Tech have formed a partnership with Matheson Valley Gases, Inc., a local supplier of industrial, medical, and specialty gases and gas-handling equipment. Overview In an effort to promote strong relationships with local businesses, Jeff Tech has formed a close partnership with Gary Kahle and Matheson … Continue reading Welding Program Industry Partnership

Expanding Student Internship Programs in Berks County School Districts

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Career Information and Exploration, College and Career Pathways, Work-based learning

At a Glance The Berks Business Education Coalition supports and promotes career education initiatives in Berks County schools. Overview In 1992, Berks County business leaders formed the Berks Business Education Coalition (BBEC) to develop and support promising initiatives in Berks County schools. The coalition determined that a primary focus should be career education, a focus … Continue reading Expanding Student Internship Programs in Berks County School Districts

ServSafe Prep Program for Culinary Arts Students

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Employability Skills, Industry Certifications

At a Glance Students in the culinary arts program at Jules E. Mastbaum Area Vocational Technical School can participate in a free, after-school program in preparation for the ServSafe exam. Overview Instructors at Jules E. Mastbaum Area Vocational Technical School created the Serve Safe Prep Program to help culinary arts students prepare for the safety … Continue reading ServSafe Prep Program for Culinary Arts Students

Building Strong Business and Industry Partnerships

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Career Information and Exploration, College and Career Pathways

At a Glance The Susquehanna County Career and Technology Center works together with business and industry partners in many ways to prepare students for post-high school careers. Overview Susquehanna County Career and Technology Center (SCCTC) partners with local business and industry partners to provide students with real-world experience and the ability to further investigate their … Continue reading Building Strong Business and Industry Partnerships

Cosmetology Students Prepare Hair and Makeup for Student Musical

Posted on Categories Academic/Technical Skill Integration, Employability Skills, Student Engagement

At a Glance Cosmetology students from Lawrence County Career and Technical Center created hairstyles and applied makeup for the cast of a local high school student musical. Overview In the spring of 2016, students from a local sending district of Lawrence County Career and Technical Center (LCCTC) presented the musical “Singing in the Rain.” The … Continue reading Cosmetology Students Prepare Hair and Makeup for Student Musical