Central Montco Technical School Teacher Domain Analysis

Posted on Categories Professional Development

At a Glance

A spreadsheet was created to analyze teachers’ performance levels and identify targeted professional development needs.


Improving teachers’ instructional practices leads to an increase in student achievement. With this in mind, administrators at Central Montco Technical School utilize data gathered through the state-adopted Charlotte Danielson’s Framework as a roadmap for professional development.

Origin / Implementation

The Danielson Framework is used to measure effective instruction in four domains of teacher responsibility: (1) Planning and Preparation; (2) Classroom Environment; (3) Instruction; and, (4) Professional Responsibilities. Administrators and teachers, using the detailed framework rubric, determine a rating of Unsatisfactory, Basic, Proficient, or Distinguished for skills within each domain.

To optimize this tool, administrators developed a spreadsheet allowing them to identify common areas in which teachers are under-performing. This data drives professional development offerings for the following school year, giving teachers targeted and relevant learning opportunities.

As a result of carefully analyzing and averaging teachers’ levels of performance in each domain and identifying those with an average teacher score below 2.0, recent professional development has focused on the following areas:

  • Understanding the levels of performance (unsatisfactory, basic, proficient, and distinguished) and the evidence that may support each level.
  • Formative and summative assessment strategies.
  • Understanding and effectively using the school’s student management systems.  

Administrators at Central Montco Technical School provide teachers with up to 50 hours of professional development annually, allowing them to earn the Act 48 required hours over a five-year cycle. Professional development is presented on scheduled in-service days (attendance required) as well monthly, 45-minute afterschool sessions (attendance optional). Staff members and occasionally Intermediate Unit personnel facilitate the professional development sessions.

Teachers are also required to complete 10 hours of online training through the Global Compliance Network and may engage in up to 60 additional hours if they wish. Central Montco Technical School pays for these online courses through the Intermediate Unit who negotiates a consortium price. GCN courses may be used to fulfill Act 48 requirements.

Results / Impact

Teachers have expressed appreciation that they are given access to professional development specific to their needs. NOCTI assessment scores continue to improve, indicating an increase in student achievement.


Central Montco Technical School
Angela Kern, Assistant Director

Supporting Files