Franklin CTC’s Support for Students with IEPs

Posted on Categories Individuals with Disabilities, Professional Development

At a Glance

Franklin County Career & Technology Center (FCCTC) students with Individual Education Plans (IEP) receive ongoing support to help prepare for the NOCTI assessment.


FCCTC Assistant Administrative Director Dr. Ben Mordan attributes the success of IEP students on the NOCTI exam to two factors: 1) the support IEP students receive from instructors and instructional aides, and 2) the professional development opportunities provided to all instructors.

At FCCTC, the ratio of aides to students with IEPs is approximately one to twenty-five (1:25). Four instructional aides support students with IEPs in all programs, providing remediation and reinforcement of math, reading or technical skills. This targeted support helps students better understand instruction and retain knowledge. The instructional aides also assist students’ transition from classroom instruction to hands-on learning in the lab.

FCCTC instructors are provided coordinated professional development to help them learn and apply research-based teaching strategies that address the needs of all learners. During the 2015-2016 school year, FCCTC used Perkins funding to employ a temporary literacy/numeracy coach who worked with teachers to develop long-term practices and resources that reinforced curriculum. The coach also shared strategies to improve literacy and numeracy skills in all program areas.

Dr. Mordan cites the systemic and organized Professional Development Plan implemented at FCCTC as another key factor that helps instructors prepare students with IEPs for the NOCTI exam. Working as a team, FCCTC administrators and instructors coordinate their professional learning efforts to maximize the benefits to staff members and, ultimately, to students. The plan includes professional learning communities (PLCs) and a well-organized induction program for new teachers. A copy of the ACT 48 List of Opportunities, the Professional Development Framework for PLCs, and the Educator Induction Framework for the 2017-2018 school year are provided. 

Overall, administrators and instructors participate in as many professional development programs as possible. These include, but are not limited to Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Career and Technical Education’s Technical Assistance Program (TAP), MAX Teaching, and conferences offered through PACTA, PACTEC, and Penn State. Through their ongoing participation, staff members have increased awareness and understanding of how to implement effective practices and strategies to improve student learning and classroom management. As a result of a collective focus on professional development, student achievement – including students with IEPs – and schoolwide culture have been improved.


Franklin County Career & Technology Center

Dr. Ben Mordan, Assistant Administrative Director

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