Central Westmoreland Career and Technology Center: Effective Occupational Advisory Committees

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Occupational Advisory Board

At a Glance

Cosmetology instructors at Central Westmoreland Career and Technology Center (CWCTC) take important steps to ensure the cosmetology program has an effective Occupational Advisory Committee (OAC).


Knowing the OAC is key to maintaining a high quality CTE program, the cosmetology instructors at CWCTC implement several practices to strengthen the OAC and secure the commitment of its members. The PDE Instructional Packet and the 339 Approved Program Evaluation Checklist offers guidance in this endeavor and ensures that state mandates are met. The PDE website also provides a list of stakeholders who should be invited to membership on OACs; each program’s OAC member list is approved by the CTC’s Joint Operating Committee (JOC).

As is required, OAC meetings are held a minimum of two times a year, and OAC members also tour the facility twice a year. Because it may be a challenge for OAC members to take time off work for meetings, the instructors try to provide them with sufficient notice of when the next meeting will take place. They find this step correlates with an increase in meeting attendance. 

Through the strong connection with the OAC, the cosmetology program and students reap many benefits:

  • The program builds connections with employers.
  • OAC members provide feedback on program curriculum.
  • Field trips, guest speakers and employment events are scheduled.
  • The program stays on top of what facilities and equipment are being used in the field.

For CTE instructors interested in building effective relationships with their OACs, Cosmetology instructor Denise Nenni recommends following the PDE Guidelines for Establishing an Effective OAC and providing tours of the facility to OAC members. 


Central Westmoreland Career and Technology Center

Denise Nenni, Cosmetology Supervisor and Instructor, Vocational Supervisor & Cooperative Education Certifications

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