Use of School Data-Driven Decision Making to Increase Student Achievement

Posted on Categories Accountability & Data Use, Professional Development

At a Glance The administration, staff, and newly created school-based data team concentrated on the effective use of data-driven decision making to improve the Lawrence County Career and Technical Center’s culture of learning, specifically to increase the School Performance Profile score, improve student performance on Keystone exams, and improve the overall achievement of LCCTC graduates. … Continue reading Use of School Data-Driven Decision Making to Increase Student Achievement

Dining At The White House Project

Posted on Categories Career Information and Exploration, College and Career Pathways, Employability Skills, Project-based Learning

At a Glance The culinary instructor at Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School brought the non-fiction story of former White House Chef John Moeller, “Dining at the White House” into the classroom, and to life, with an impactful and authentic State-like dinner cooking experience with Chef Moeller. Overview In this project, students were asked to make a … Continue reading Dining At The White House Project

Paraeducators Daily Activity Log

Posted on Categories Accountability & Data Use, Classroom Management

At a Glance Staff at Indiana County Technology Center designed web-based forms to help paraeducators track and document their daily activity. Overview Indiana County Technology Center (ICTC) is a regional career and technical school, serving high school and adult students. ICTC, which offers 14 programs has a staff of 14 instructors and 10 paraeducators. In … Continue reading Paraeducators Daily Activity Log

Pamper Parents Day

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Student Engagement

At a Glance Each year, Cosmetology students at the North Montco Technical Career invite a parent, or another relative, into the program for a day of pampering during which the students provide various salon services. Overview In order to encourage parent participation in their student’s education, the North Montco Technical Career Center (NMTCC) cosmetology instructor … Continue reading Pamper Parents Day

Hands-on Veterinary Rat Growth Project

Posted on Categories Project-based Learning

At a Glance The small animal/veterinary program at W. B. Saul High School of Agricultural Sciences uses rats to engage students and to teach the scientific method, lab procedures, and data calculations. Overview The W. B. Saul High School of Agricultural Sciences is a magnet high school in Philadelphia that serves grades 9 through 12. … Continue reading Hands-on Veterinary Rat Growth Project

Creating a Positive Culture

Posted on Categories Professional Development

At a Glance The Greene County Career and Technology Center administrator has created an upbeat, results-driven culture of learning and professional behavior.  Overview Greene County Career and Technology Center (GCCTC) is a comprehensive career and technical school serving students from five school districts in Greene County. For the last six years, the GCCTC administrator has … Continue reading Creating a Positive Culture

NCCER Core Curriculum Delivery

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Employability Skills, Industry Certifications

At a Glance Fayette County Career and Technical Institute employs a dually certified math and technical education teacher to deliver the NCCER Core curriculum to Level I students in five approved programs of study. Overview In an effort to deliver the 72-hour National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) Core curriculum in the most … Continue reading NCCER Core Curriculum Delivery

Using Instructional Technology for Blended Learning

Posted on Categories Online Learning Tools & Resources, Student Engagement, Technology Integration

At a Glance At North Montco Technical Career Center, the Mechatronics instructor uses instructional technology, blended classroom/lab strategies, and collaborative learning tools to differentiate instruction and engage students. Overview The North Montco Technical Career Center (NMTCC) Mechatronics instructor uses several different learning strategies and instructional technology to create a competency-based program to meet the individual … Continue reading Using Instructional Technology for Blended Learning

Health Information Management and Medical Records Technology Community Partnerships

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Career Information and Exploration, College and Career Pathways, English Learners, Individuals From Economically Disadvantaged Families, Including Low-Income Youth and Adults, Student Engagement, Work-based learning

At a Glance Multiple partnerships have been developed between Jules E. Mastbaum Area Vocational Technical School, postsecondary institutions, and organizations in an effort to provide economically disadvantaged urban youth with experiences that empower them to interact effectively and professionally with adults. Overview To engage students in the healthcare system and prepare them for college, career, … Continue reading Health Information Management and Medical Records Technology Community Partnerships

ManuFest Youth Manufacturing Expo

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Career Information and Exploration, College and Career Pathways

At a Glance The ManuFest Expo in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, is an annual, half-day event designed to introduce and expose high school students and their parents to the manufacturing sector, the high-demand careers within the industry, and the postsecondary institutions that offer related degree and training programs. Overview ManuFest is an initiative of the Montgomery … Continue reading ManuFest Youth Manufacturing Expo