Essential Question(s) The following essential question is explored in this lesson plan: Why is it important to develop data analysis skills? Relevant Program(s) of Study This lesson was created for Culinary Arts – CIP 12.0508 Institutional Food Worker, however, it can be used in any program that administers the Pre-NOCTI. Lesson Objective(s) or Task(s) Using calculated percentages, … Continue reading Pre-NOCTI Score Analysis Lesson
Category: Misc. Lesson Plans & Ideas
Integrating English Writing Standards in Program Safety Lessons (The Possessed Brake Lathe)
Posted on Categories Academic/Technical Skill Integration, Misc. Lesson Plans & IdeasAt a Glance The Possessed Brake Lathe lesson incorporates multiple learning styles and embedded occupational and literacy skill development into a required automotive technology safety lesson. Overview Prior to all new tasks being introduced in both the theory room and laboratory, necessary related safety aspects of the unit must be taught and completely understood by all … Continue reading Integrating English Writing Standards in Program Safety Lessons (The Possessed Brake Lathe)
Real Life Mixing in Cosmetology
Posted on Categories Academic/Technical Skill Integration, Misc. Lesson Plans & IdeasAt a Glance Over the course of three days, cosmetology students at Indiana County Technology Center first receive instruction on ratios and proportions from the math instructor and then complete activities in which they must accurately mix and dispense colors and chemicals by applying those math concepts in the lab. Overview Because mixing color and … Continue reading Real Life Mixing in Cosmetology
Flipped Shop: Machine Technology Indicating a Vise
Posted on Categories Misc. Lesson Plans & Ideas, Student Engagement, Technology IntegrationAt a Glance At the Career Institute of Technology, the Machine Technology instructor used a version of the Flipped Classroom technique to engage and motivate students while teaching them a new machine procedure. Overview Career Institute of Technology (CIT) Machine Technology instructor, Jason Longenbach, developed and implemented a modified version of a Flipped Classroom lesson … Continue reading Flipped Shop: Machine Technology Indicating a Vise