Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN): Customized Professional Development and Technical Assistance

Posted on Categories Academic/Technical Skill Integration, Professional Development, Special Populations

At a Glance Working with the Bureau of Special Education (BSE) and Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) provides a full array of professional development and technical assistance targeted to improving student results. This professional development and technical assistance takes many forms in order to meet the varied needs … Continue reading Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN): Customized Professional Development and Technical Assistance

Berks Career and Technology Center: Using Skill Alignment Charts to Support Special Populations Students

Posted on Categories Special Populations

At a Glance The use of Skill Alignment Charts is increasing student engagement and success at Berks Career and Technology Center (BCTC) for students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). Skill Alignment Charts are designed to help students and parents understand the educational and physical expectations and/or recommendations for BCTC programs prior to a student’s enrollment. … Continue reading Berks Career and Technology Center: Using Skill Alignment Charts to Support Special Populations Students

Chester County Technical College High School, Pennock’s Bridge Campus: Genders and Sexualities Alliance at TCHS.

Posted on Categories Special Populations

At a Glance The Chester County Technical College High School, Pennock’s Bridge Campus has a thriving and active Genders and Sexualities Alliance (GSA). Description Recognizing the importance of embracing diversity at the Chester Country Technical College High School (TCHS), the school counselors arranged a field trip for interested students to the Rainbow Connect Conference sponsored … Continue reading Chester County Technical College High School, Pennock’s Bridge Campus: Genders and Sexualities Alliance at TCHS.

Technical College High School, Pennocks Bridge Campus: Non-Traditional Modeling

Posted on Categories Preparing for Non-Traditional Fields, Special Populations

At a Glance This Best Practice highlights how the Technical College High School, Pennock’s Bridge Campus, has implemented non-traditional staff to recruit and retain non-traditional students. Description Jenny Sassaman began her career as a biology and chemistry teacher in a traditional high school. Transitioning to Technical College High School, Pennocks Bridge Campus, her primary role … Continue reading Technical College High School, Pennocks Bridge Campus: Non-Traditional Modeling

Penn State University: Drive CTE Podcasts

Posted on Categories Special Populations

At a Glance Drive CTE podcasts explore topics aimed to help instructors, counselors, and administrators improve Career and Technical Education (CTE) in middle, secondary, and post-secondary schools. The recordings feature research and expert practitioners who offer advice, best practices, and lessons learned on different topics each month. Description The podcasts were created for CTE instructors, … Continue reading Penn State University: Drive CTE Podcasts

Pittsburgh Public Schools: Equitable Access Practices to Support English Language Learners

Posted on Categories English Learners, Special Populations

At a Glance Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS) Career and Technical Education (CTE) division strives to ensure equitable access to all 16 CTE programs for all students regardless of gender, race, disability or any other special populations category. Two specific ways we have done this is through creating virtual tours of all 16 programs on our … Continue reading Pittsburgh Public Schools: Equitable Access Practices to Support English Language Learners

Chester County Technical College High School – Pennocks Bridge: Successful Practices to Serve the Needs of ESL Students

Posted on Categories English Learners, Special Populations

At a Glance The identified English as a Second Language (ESL) career and technical students at Chester County Technical College High School – Pennocks Bridge are supported from the time they make application through to graduation through structured support activities. The 60-80 students that are served annually are completers of their Career and Technical Education … Continue reading Chester County Technical College High School – Pennocks Bridge: Successful Practices to Serve the Needs of ESL Students

York County School of Technology: Linking Life Skill Students with CTE Programs that Align with Their Interests and Skills

Posted on Categories Individuals with Disabilities, Special Populations

At a Glance The YTECH-X program at the York County School of Technology (York Tech) offers life skill students from 14 school districts in York County the opportunity to attend York Tech in 11th grade and experience six different technical programs for three weeks at a time. The students then select one of the technical … Continue reading York County School of Technology: Linking Life Skill Students with CTE Programs that Align with Their Interests and Skills