Career and Technology Center Community Relations Plan

Posted on Categories Accountability & Data Use, Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Occupational Advisory Board

At a Glance

Administrators at Franklin County Career and Technology Center developed and implemented a comprehensive community relations plan designed to provide the sending school districts and the community with news of the activities and accomplishments of the students and the school.


To publicize the positive accomplishments of students, the school, and program outcomes, administrators at Franklin County Career and Technology Center (FCCTC) established a formal community engagement plan. As stated in the plan introduction, “The purpose of the FCCTC community engagement plan is to establish and maintain communication that informs the public and involves them in the educational goals and programs of the center. It is designed to maximize student learning and achievement by providing all administrators, educators, and stakeholders with a process for ongoing assessment, development, and continuous improvement to strengthen the CTE center including all secondary and adult programs, courses, services, and resources.”

This comprehensive document is organized into four sections:

  1. Career and Technical Education Organizational StructureThis section describes the governance structure of the school and defines the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in running and improving the school.
  1. Community Engagement and OutreachFCCTC defines community engagement as “an ongoing collaborative process in which the center works with the public to build understanding, guidance, and active support for the education of students in the community.” This section outlines the methods that will be used by the school to keep community members informed and involved.
  1. Student ServicesThis section includes information and guidance on legal, regulatory, and operational issues that ensure an effective work-based learning environment for all students. Topics include: career awareness and student recruitment, district populations – quotas and allotments, student placement and enrollment, and career readiness.
  1. FCCTC Concern/Complaint PolicyThis section outlines the appropriate procedures for employees and community members (students, parents, citizens) to follow if they wish to express an issue or concern about the school.


Origin / Implementation

This document was developed and implemented for the 2015-2016 school year.

The impetus for this document was to guide educators in understanding, implementing, and successfully completing all responsibilities related to the FCCTC community engagement process. It is intended to provide guidance for ensuring that all community engagement initiatives and associated advisory committees are organized and maintained to function effectively. Prior to this comprehensive guide, teachers would have referred to multiple documents, including the Joint Operating Committee (JOC) Board Policy Manual and articles of agreement as well as the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) guidelines.

FCCTC administrators and staff worked in conjunction with their sending school counterparts to develop and create this plan. Dr. Ben Mordan, Assistant Administrative Director at FCCTC, wrote the final document as part of the New Director Academy under the Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) Program. The curriculum and PIL content is the origin for the format and contents of this document.

The plan is expected to be approved by the school’s JOC on May 19, 2016. It will then be posted on FCCTC website and distributed among FCCTC stakeholders.


Results / Impact

Administrators expect that the community relations plan will lead to better promotion of the positive accomplishments of the students, the school, and the outcomes of the programs.

The metrics used to track this plan will include Perkins Indicators as these indicators provide recruitment and performance data. In addition, they will also use locally collected data including student enrollment, NOCTI scores, co-op and postsecondary placements, advisory board member attendance and participation, advisory board surveys and meeting minutes, and similar reports.

FCCTC administrators anticipate revising this document in coordination with their faculty and student handbooks prior to the beginning of each school year.  Updates will reflect local changes such as program offerings, personnel changes, and PDE policy updates.



Franklin County Career and Technology Center
Dr. Ben Mordan, Assistant Director

Supporting Files