At a Glance
Susquehanna County Career & Technology Center (SCCTC) Cosmetology students participate in Pink Out Week during which they provide Cosmetology services to elementary school students to raise money for the American Cancer Society.
Since 2007, SCCTC cosmetology students have participated in Pink Out Week every October. During this event, they provide services to Elk Lake Elementary School students to raise money for the American Cancer Society. The elementary school building is connected to SCCTC.
Instructors Amy Bush, Sue Birtch, and Kim Cosklo implemented Pink Out Week to help cosmetology students practice their skills and complete their competency task sheet, while raising money for a charitable cause. Every cosmetology student is required to participate.
Approximately 500 to 600 Elk Lake Elementary School students receive services during this week. The cosmetology department sends home a permission form to Elk Lake parents explaining the program and service costs. Services include manicures, temporary tattoos and French/Dutch braids.
Students raise a considerable amount of money during Pink Out Week, and the instructors report that there are minimal costs associated with running the event. Due to these two factors and the opportunity Pink Out week creates for students to practice their skills in a meaningful way, the cosmetology instructors plan to continue with the program.
Over the last ten years, the cosmetology program has raised approximately $1,000 each year for the American Cancer Society during Pink Out Week.
Susquehanna County Career & Technology Center
Amy Bush, Cosmetology Instructor
Sue Birtch, Cosmetology Instructor
Kim Cosklo, Cosmetology Instructor