Remind Me App

Posted on Categories Recruitment and Retention, Student Engagement

At a Glance Guidance counselor Morgan Lynch uses the Remind Me app ( to communicate important school information to Lawrence County Career and Technical Center students in an efficient manner. Overview Through the Remind Me app, Ms. Lynch can quickly inform students about important school events and deadlines. She sends messages that cover a range … Continue reading Remind Me App

Principal Shadow Event for Sending School Districts

Posted on Categories Professional Development, Student Engagement

At a Glance Chester County Technical College High School (TCHS) Pennock’s Bridge Campus hosted a shadowing event for sending high school principals to learn more about the CTE programs and experiences available to students. Overview To promote the event, Pennock’s Bridge Principal Dr. Brian Hughes reached out to sending school principals to provide information and … Continue reading Principal Shadow Event for Sending School Districts

Work-Based Learning Toolkit

Posted on Categories BCTE Toolkits, Case Studies, Reports, Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Career Information and Exploration, Professional Development, Project-based Learning, Student Engagement, Work-based learning

The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Career and Technology offers several toolkits targeted to the needs of CTE staff. BCTE Work-based Learning Toolkit, published in early 2017, is available for download.

Communicating the Value of Career and Technology Centers to the Community

Posted on Categories BCTE Toolkits, Case Studies, Reports, Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Communications

The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Career and Technology offers several toolkits targeted to the needs of CTE staff. The latest toolkit, Communicating the Value of CTE, published in spring 2017, is now available for download. This 29-page document provides guidance in developing or expanding communication efforts to various stakeholders.

National Pilot for Chick-fil-A Culinary Academy at Western Montgomery Career and Technology Center

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Career Information and Exploration, College and Career Pathways, Industry Certifications, Postsecondary Transitions, Work-based learning

At a Glance A partnership between Western Montgomery Career and Technology Center (WMCTC) and a local Chick-fil-A restaurant developed into a national pilot. Overview When the CEO of Chick-fil-A was visiting a Pennsylvania franchise near WMCTC, Director Chris Moritzen arranged to have a brief meeting with him to discuss a potential partnership. Mr. Moritzen was … Continue reading National Pilot for Chick-fil-A Culinary Academy at Western Montgomery Career and Technology Center

PASTA (Parents Appreciated by Students, Teachers, and Administration) Night

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Recruitment and Retention

At a Glance To thank parents for their support and to strengthen school-to-parent communication, Somerset County Technology Center (SCTC) hosts a parent appreciation dinner. Overview SCTC replaced its Fall Open House with a parent appreciation dinner known as PASTA Night. PASTA is an acronym: Parents Appreciated by Students, Teachers, and Administrators. Because SCTC has 16 … Continue reading PASTA (Parents Appreciated by Students, Teachers, and Administration) Night

Using Technology to Assist Students and Instructors

Posted on Categories Classroom Management, Online Learning Tools & Resources, Student Engagement

At a Glance At Fulton County Area Vocational Technical School (FCAVTS), the Computer Networking Technologies instructor uses technology apps and programs to assist her and to engage and motivate students. Overview Crys Glee, a Computer and Networking Technologies instructor at FCAVTS uses technology tools to help students learn and review content, and to help her … Continue reading Using Technology to Assist Students and Instructors

Effective Administrative Practices—Values

Posted on Categories Student Engagement

At a Glance With student, staff, and faculty input, the Indiana County Technology Center (ICTC) community chose five values they wanted to instill in daily school life through attractive decals on school walls and recognition programs. Overview In two separate meetings, faculty members in one group and administrators and students in another discussed more than … Continue reading Effective Administrative Practices—Values

Creating a Student-Centered Learning Environment

Posted on Categories Classroom Management, Curriculum Planning, Online Learning Tools & Resources, Student Engagement

At a Glance Explicit assignment and task completion expectations, expanded use of technology, and creation of electronic portfolios are some of the strategies instituted by an HVAC instructor who wanted to create a more student-centered learning environment. Overview Emphasis on theory unrelated to practice has been replaced with authentic, student-directed activities using more technology, such … Continue reading Creating a Student-Centered Learning Environment

Applefest Electronic Help

Posted on Categories Business, Community, Workforce Engagement, Employability Skills, Student Engagement, Work-based learning

At a Glance Students in the electronics program at the Venango Technical Center help with electrical issues at Venango County’s annual Applefest in Franklin, Pennsylvania. Overview Students show up for the three-day festival and polish the power distribution boxes and make small repairs in the vendors’ boxes. The students are able to attend the festival … Continue reading Applefest Electronic Help